Friday, January 23, 2009

Days 20-23

So I'm so far behind on posting my pictures...but once again, I HAVE at least been taking them every here's the last 4 days.

DAY 23
This is actually just a picture of my computer screen...BUT it's my messages on Myspace from Aaron and my IM from Aaron today! THE BEST DAY in a while...since I hadn't talked to him in 8 days! I know that's not really that long but I was getting antsy and he finally talked to me today...and was very sweet and EVEN remembered that my birthday is coming up...what a GREAT DAY! woo hoo!!

DAY 22

So I had a meeting at school this night and they fed us dinner....and they had these mini creampuffs and I LOVE those things! There SO not on my diet....haha

DAY 21

I woke up this morning to FROST on my weird to me for New Orleans!

DAY 20

This was my dinner one night. It was organic greens with chicken, walnuts, and vidalia onion vinaigrette dressing...yummy!

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